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Xin-Lei Zhao, Pan-Pan Wang, Cheng-Gang Shao.The evaluation for plasma noise in arbitrary time-delay interferometry combinations.Classical and Quantum Gravity,2024,41,105002.

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2024年11月18日 10:47 点击次数:[]

The laser interferometer space antenna (LISA) uses laser interferometry to measure gravitational wave-induced distance changes between freely falling test masses on separate spacecraft. In practice, the space-borne gravitational wave detector operates in a plasma medium, and subsequently, the variations in electron density affect the refractive index and add displacement noise to measurements. Geometric time-delay interferometry (TDI) is the TDI combinations searched by geometric method, which is employed to mitigate overwhelming laser phase noise. This study explores all forty-ffve second-generation geometric TDI combinations up to sixteen links, analyzing plasma noise effects via power spectral density and cross-spectral density calculations for different optical links. Our ffndings reveal that plasma noise can exceed the noise ffoor, which comprises optical metrology system and test mass acceleration noise, in certain low-frequency regions due to different noise transfer behaviors. Further, we establish electron density requirements for various TDI combinations, showing that densities below 100cm3/Hz @ 10mHz satisfy LISA’s criteria across all forty-ffve combinations. This allows for optimized TDI selection based on speciffc plasma densities.