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A scientific case study of an advanced LISA mission

作者: 来源:admin 发布时间:2011年05月31日 00:00 点击次数:[]

Xuefei Gong, Shengnian Xu, Shan Bai, Zhoujian Cao, Gerui Chen, Yanbei Chen, Xiaokai He, Gerhard Heinzel, Yun-Kau Lau, Chenzhou Liu, Jun Luo, Ziren Luo, Antonio Pulido Pat´on, Albrecht Rudiger, Mingxue Shao, Rainer Spurzem, Yan Wang, Peng Xu, Hsien-Chi Yeh,Yefei Yuan and Zebing Zhou

A brief status report of an ongoing scientific case study of the Advanced Laser Interferometer Antenna (ALIA) mission is presented. Key technology requirements and primary science objectives of the mission are covered in the study. Possible descope options for the mission and the corresponding compromise in science are also considered and compared. Our preliminary study indicates that ALIA holds promise in mapping out the mass and spin distribution of intermediate mass black holes possibly present in dense star clusters at low redshift as well as in shedding important light on the structure formation in the early Universe.