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2017 A gyro-stabilized platform leveling loop for marine gravimeter

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2017年11月03日 17:55 点击次数:[63]

P. F. Wu,1,2 L. T. Liu,2,a) L. Wang,2 Y. Wang,2 M. Zhong,2 Z. B. Zhou,1,b) and Z. Zou2

1 School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
2 Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy Sciences, Wuhan 430077, China
(Received 5 January 2017; accepted 18 May 2017; published online 9 June 2017)

An ultra-low-frequency platform leveling loop based on a mixed sensitivity H1 approach, which considers both the system bandwidth and response speed,was designed and applied to a prototype, twoaxis gyro-stabilized platform marine gravimeter CHZ-II. The instrument was developed for regional surveys in deep ocean areas where high-resolution gravity measurements with accuracy 1 mGal are required. Horizontal accelerations in the surge and sway directions are suppressed about 60 dB in the frequency range 0.05 to 0.5 Hz. This typically improves the quality of the gravity data before any processing corrections. The time required for stabilizing the platform at the beginning of a survey line or course change is about 3 min, which improves the data collection efficiency. In May 2015, the first test was conducted in open sea conditions aboard the Chinese State Oceanic Administration’s R/V Xiangyanghong 10. Sixteen traverses were run in the South China Sea to evaluate the loop performance. Platform motion tracks and gravity data from the survey were of satisfactory quality. According to analyses of 16 sets of calculated errors, the root mean square repeatability of the pitch and roll off-level angles were less than 10 and 20 arc sec, respectively, with a horizontal acceleration of about 50 Gal. Errors derived from the inability of the platform to maintain perfect sensor leveling during the survey cruise were less than 0.3 mGal.
