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AIGC的Alexey Veryaskin博士短期访问

作者: 来源:admin 发布时间:2012年11月08日 00:00 点击次数:[]


 兹邀请Trinity Research Labs (The Australian International Gravitational research Centre,AIGC)的 科学家Alexey Veryaskin 博士于111828日来我实验室短期访问并作一系列学术报告,具体报告时间见布告栏和实验室网站通知,请相互转告并准时参加。
1. Gravity and Magnetic Gradiometry without Gradiometers ( a novel concept that would allow us to develop a new type of moving-base gradiometers )
2. A new type of modulating devices with a broadband range of applications ( from gravity and magnetic sensors to SQUIDs and precision electronic instrumentation free of 1/f noise )
3. Nonequilibrium measurements applied to gravimetry, gravity and magnetic gradiometry
4. Digital cooling as an integral part of optimum signal processing of cyclostationary sets of data
5. A new type of absolute gravimeters ( different from free-fall instruments )
Alexey Veryaskin's major areas of expertise:
  • Gravity and magnetic gradiometry
  • State-of-the-art integrated electronics for advanced phase measurement systems
  • ELF, audio and RF interferometers
  • ELF interferometer-based systems for geophysical prospecting
  • Advanced EM gradiometers for the detection of submarines
  • Systems for the detection of shipwrecks and shallow water conducting artifacts (cannons, etc…)
  • Advanced gold detectors

